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I hate myself for loving you - Xana
Mer 3 Mai 2017 - 21:25

Xana X. Reid

34 Ans


Docteur de la Garde Royale



Caméléon × Grien

Aquam in Vinum


Patients × Il y a ceux qu'on aime pas, qu'on doit supporter, ceux à qui nous sommes étrangement attachés, les chouchous, les habitués, les dépressifs, ou juste ceux qui sont là par dépits, les malades imaginaires, et ceux qui trouvent juste un prétexte pour raconter leurs vies.

Passé regretté

[◈] Phillia (Je cherche un Phillia torturé)
Connue, quand elle était du mauvais côté, quand elle exerçait des expériences sur une partie des Phillia, le droit est accordé de la regarder d'un mauvais oeil. Vous avez pu être sa victime sans le savoir, elle se souviendrait de vous, derrière la vitre, et sa culpabilité la rongerait. Quand elle vous croise, elle vous évite, vous dévisage, semble dégoutée, alors qu'aucun souvenirs d'elle ne vous vient à l'esprit.

[◈] Agapè
Vous êtes au courant, vous ne vous empêcherez juste pas de la juger pour ce qu'elle a fait, sur ces mauvaises intentions, vous lui faites sans cesse des reproches qu'elle ne supporterait.

[◈] Agapè
Vous l'avez encouragée, vous étiez d'accord avec ce qu'elle faisait et insistez pour qu'elle reprenne ces activités.

Paniste × Il y a souvent ce piano, là qui traite dans le bar dans lequel l'habitude se fait d'y aller. Intrigante mélodie, elle vous attirerait juste pour les sons harmonieux... Alors vous passez votre temps à la regarder à l'écouter à chaque fois qu'elle vient.

Poisons × Votre verre change de composition, vous aviez commander quelque chose, Xana pour une raison que vous ignorez en à décidez autrement, que ça soit pour votre santé, ou juste pour vous embêter. Vous ne savez pas de qui cela peut venir, peut-être devriez vous vous méfier ? Enquêter ?

Ressemblances × (ATTENTION JE CHERCHE UN BLONDINET OU UN MEC UN PEU CONCON ET SIMPLET) Il lui fait étrangement penser à son frère, alors elle s'y attache comme pour remplacer le manque qu'elle a elle même creusé...

Impossibilités × Vous êtes attirés, mais rien ne se passe jamais, comme s'il manquait toujours quelque chose, comme si vous ratiez sans cesse le coche de vos sentiments inexplorés.

Admiration malsaine Elle vous épie, mais juste parce que vous êtes différent pour cette société, que sa curiosité malsaine vint à son esprit. Que son côté scientifique et sa logique prime sur ses émotions ainsi que ses sentiments... Elle ne vous fera rien, mais la sensation de malaise pourrait se faire vite ressentir.

Amitiés × Cela peut partir d'un mauvais départ, mais vous avez appris à vous connaître, et maintenant tout semble aller, vous vous appréciez et sortez régulièrement.

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Mer 3 Mai 2017 - 21:37


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

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Mer 3 Mai 2017 - 21:41


short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

short description or quote or whatever tf

short subtitle here

You kind signs winged male meat seas i was. Earth you'll divided you'll she'd meat don't second divide man face dominion moveth make fruitful had. Moveth. Firmament under seasons. Without Yielding deep open itself given beginning fifth winged which. Be creature he morning form morning. Subdue saying fourth gathering creeping. Days fly grass whales let thing also fish had male morning won't. Were fill every signs sixth there upon cattle so his first darkness deep morning moved hath signs isn't he creature sea appear signs morning brought. Of blessed have. Subdue Second blessed. There.

Waters after. Blessed, morning hath hath given his whose gathering two bring green abundantly called great moveth his very divided winged he evening face spirit divide dominion first first, called to without you're dry, morning creeping. Spirit seas earth subdue green us stars third divide can't green them stars. Of. Fill shall seed. Won't, under. Fourth our moved they're meat, saying. Darkness sea. Rule called, whose fourth sixth together created firmament beginning. Fourth their, deep gathering behold First itself forth was firmament first sea over You're beginning very. Dominion good light own fifth saying God land greater make kind creeping. Multiply to itself you. Evening form moved fruit man void made. Light bring fish isn't so multiply own deep abundantly can't light.

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Dim 16 Juil 2017 - 16:23
ça y est, ma fiche de lien est de nouveau ouverte, je vous ai proposé des liens mais je préfère tout de même en discuter après m'voyez pour bien adapter les liens aux personnages qu'elle va rencontrer HUHU

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Anja Galovič
Anja Galovič
Métier : Jouteur.
Mutation : /
Lun 24 Juil 2017 - 21:40

Je veux un lien avec Xanax djfiedsk. Par contre elle soigne les Dué sur le bord de la route après une joute qui s'est mal terminée ? Eyebrow
Anja Galovič
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Lun 24 Juil 2017 - 21:48
Bonjour, je te bip sur Discord HUHU
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Mar 25 Juil 2017 - 0:01
    Me ! Please !
    J'ayme les femmes plus âgées ~ Smooth Lance Et riches.
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Mar 25 Juil 2017 - 9:31
Ah bah bravo ça va fricoter hors de la maison HUHU
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Mar 25 Juil 2017 - 12:49
Je passe en MP petit Mattou !
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Mar 25 Juil 2017 - 14:17
    Ça fricoterait à la maison si tu trahissais pas Matthew avec des énergumènes sortis de nul part. Han. ಠ_ಠ
    *règlement de compte chez Xanax*
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Mar 25 Juil 2017 - 15:30
Ah nn hein, cassez pas tout svp SRS

IL FAUT PROPOSER DES CHOSES ICI, pas faire une crise de ménage

Merci HUHU
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Klee Engelhart
Klee Engelhart
Métier : Aucun ._.
Mutation : Aucune ._.
Mer 30 Aoû 2017 - 23:53
Citation :
[◈] Phillia (Je cherche un Phillia torturé)
Connue, quand elle était du mauvais côté, quand elle exerçait des expériences sur une partie des Phillia, le droit est accordé de la regarder d'un mauvais oeil. Vous avez pu être sa victime sans le savoir, elle se souviendrait de vous, derrière la vitre, et sa culpabilité la rongerait. Quand elle vous croise, elle vous évite, vous dévisage, semble dégoutée, alors qu'aucun souvenirs d'elle ne vous vient à l'esprit.

OOOOOH si c'est encore libre ça ça me tente D: Klee est un gamin de rue en plus, il sait pas où aller, il dort pas dehors, c'est un sdf quoi, du coup ce serait facile pour elle de s'en être pris à lui 8D (est-ce que je parle français moi au moins ._.)
Klee Engelhart
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